The guaranteed way to uplevel your business in 2020 | Mindset coaching for female entrepreneurs

After years of being my own worst enemy, I’ve learned what it really takes to hit massive goals. You see, about 3 years ago, I didn’t know it yet, but I was about to hit my own rock-bottom season of life. One where I had gotten in my own way to such an extent, that after our most successful year in business, I had no bookings for the coming year, had run out of money, and realized that our business wouldn’t exist if I didn’t make some massive changes.

However, it wasn’t until after a bunch more losses all at once that I ground to a halt.

And in a season of grief and depression, I received the greatest gift I could have received: a breakthrough.

And after that breakthrough, I accelerated so fast I achieved a year’s worth of lofty goals in 4 months.

For a girl who spent decades setting goals and never achieving them? This was huge!

I’ve now coaching creatives and female entrepreneurs for years and have realized that the #1 guaranteed way to uplevel your business in the coming year is to create your own breakthrough.

What is a breakthrough?

A breakthrough is the magic moment when you connect the dots, realizing where you're going (what you WANT in life), why you're going there (your purpose, vision, and mission), and what the heck has held you back until now (hint: its limited thinking). People often describe a breakthrough as: ⁠⠀
"a lightbulb moment"⁠⠀
"an aha"⁠⠀
"a huge realization"⁠⠀

now, more importantly WHY does a breakthrough matter?⁠

A breakthrough is not just a cool moment. It's the missing piece in your business. It's what helps you drive your business and life into new levels of impact, profit, and integrity. ⁠⠀
These breakthrough moments are exactly what helps you quickly shed limiting beliefs, rules and expectations that were running your business. Often, the biggest thing I see holding back entrepreneurs from their biggest levels of success is that they KNOW what to do or try…they just don’t DO it.


With procrastination on the rise, according to a study by the Journal of Social Psychology, people are getting trapped in a hamster wheel of comparison, then getting distracted or stuck before they have the chance to do anything at all.

So, while a breakthrough is the guaranteed way to uplevel your business in 2020 and beyond, distraction and procrastination are the guaranteed ways to miss your breakthrough year.

A breakthrough isn’t just that lightbulb moment of realization. That’s nice and all, but we need more value from a breakthrough than realization, right? I know you probably don’t love super-woo-woo talk and love actionable content, so lets bring this home for you:

Here’s the thing-a breakthrough is the key way to create an ORIGINAL brand. A breakthrough doesn’t just turn on a lightbulb, it helps you create your own original ideas for your business-new services, messaging, branding that's totally you, and added revenue streams.⁠⠀
If you want a business that's not vanilla, that's not the same as everyone else in your niche, then it's time to create your own breakthrough so you can tap into what really matters in your life and biz. ⁠This is exactly the tool that will help you pinpoint your message and stop acting like you’re shouting in a crowded room.⠀

As Seth Godin says in The Icarus Deception,

“The more valuable someone’s attention is the harder it is to earn.”

In an economy where time and money are leveraged to gain your client’s attention…the most important think you can do is have something to say that captures the attention of your audience. And the only way to do that? Create your next breakthrough and shed your limitations.

So today, take a sec and ask yourself “what’s holding me back right now?” Journal about this and just see what comes up.

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