Our Business Grew in These 3 Big Ways After Our Worst Clients

Because I chose to learn three lessons from my most difficult clients, I was then able to make some massive shifts in our business. At the time, I didn't realize I was experiencing significant growth. But as I look back at my nerdy spreadsheets and charts, I see the changes that happened shortly after I learned these lessons. The facts are there! Changing my mindset created concrete, measurable changes in my business!

3 changes our business experienced after our most difficult clients

Change #1: Increase my sales average

In the past 5 years, we’ve planned our business growth strategically, with a goal of incremental, steady financial growth. We typically book to about 75% capacity, then increase our rates, creating an average growth of around $400-$500 increase/average sale each year. However, after implementing the changes above, We saw explosive growth, leading to an increase of $1600 PER SALE the following year. 

And, of course, even after raising those rates by such a drastic amount, you'd think that throttled demand, right? NO! We booked even faster, filling our remaining 25% in less than a month. We had to rearrange our schedule to allow for 4 client meetings a week to make room for everyone clamoring for our final booking dates. It was both amazing and a complete whirlwind!

Change #2: Attract my dream clients

After implementing these shifts, I noticed that our dream clients began finding us effortlessly. I started booking the venues, vendors, and pricing that made me love our work again. The best part was that we were working with deeply gracious clients. People who respected us, cared about us, and were deeply happy with the way we served them. I felt fulfilled, energized, and successful again!

Change #3: The right kind of publicity

I had always dreamed of landing publicity opportunities on some of the nations largest wedding publications. But it was the year I made these shifts that I began landing them far faster than I thought I could. What was a part of a 2-3 year plan was accomplished in 3 months. This year alone, I was able to secure one publicity feature a month from March through September, and land 2 magazine features, a dream that I thought would still take me another 2 years. This increased my SEO ranking and perceived value, and left me setting higher goals far sooner than I anticipated.

So, as I step back, I no longer wish I could have skipped working with those terrible clients. I no longer have regrets, I have lessons. And these very clients are the ones who taught me how to deal with opposition and led me to dream bigger. So, to those clients, thank you for the crucible experience you gave me. I'm stronger for it and so grateful. I wouldn't change a thing.

What have you learned from difficult clients or business experiences? Comment below-I'd love to cheer you on!