My exact process for closing out a year and creating a fresh start in the new year | Mindset coaching for entrepreneurs

2020 is almost over, CAN I GET AN AMEN?! The election is done, there’s an end in site for the global health crisis of covid-19, and I’m here for it-how about you?

Tony Robbins once said “Success leave clues.” and the idea of finding patterns that I can replicate to compound my success is something I absolutely LOVE to do on a regular basis.

At the end of a year, I love to dive a little deeper and look for success patterns from a bird’s eye view. I always get some really huge aha moments and it fuels my desire for a fresh start for the new year.

Want to learn my exact goal-setting and manifestation routine for the new year? Get the Fresh Start* mini-course now

I'll be sharing my biggest lessons of 2020 in future post, but for now, I want to share the exact things I look at to close out my year. I believe personality plays a huge role in business process, so for context, I run a coaching practice and I am an enneagram type 2, and a Human Design 5/1 Reflector.

Step 1 | How do I feel about my year?

I personally believe we each have our own way to get the business and life we want-and it starts with us feeling good and trusting ourselves. I look back on my year and ask myself how I generally feel about my year-successful? bummed? Frustrated? excited? What is the general feeling?

I may dive deeper here if I feel like it would be helpful-the most important thing for me as a reflector is not to pressure myself. Here are some questions I ask myself when I want to dive deeper here:

  • A simple SWOT test-my strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats

  • What worked? what didn’t? what do I want to try again…but differently?

  • When did I feel most aligned this year? What was I doing?

  • When did I feel least aligned this year? What was I doing?

  • When did I feel in flow and magnetic? What was I doing and how was I feeling?

  • When did I trust myself most confidently?

  • When did I not trust myself? What triggered my distrust?

*ready to create your unique, personality driven path to $10k and $20k months? Learn more about my 1:1 Breakthrough Mentorship. Enrollment open for January 2021 spots.

Step 2 | What trends do I see in my numbers?

This one changes from year to year-I often nerd out about numbers and make all kinds of charts and spreadsheets. I look for patterns to income spikes or dips, what converted well, what fell flat, and what is a profitable use of my time and expertise moving forward.

This year, however, I've grown a ton in regular maintenance of my metrics, regularly and looking for and adjusting patterns month by month. So for my yearly recap, I'm not feeling like doing much here and that is a great sign for me!

Step 3 | what are my biggest lessons for this year?

Then, I often look back through my google calendar, and reflect on what I learned throughout the year. Often, seeing the calendar events can trigger the lessons I was learning at that time.

bonus tip: Honestly-using google calendar is a really great way to create powerful, honest content too-let me know if you ever try this!

This year has been one huge set of growth opportunities and I've learned SO much. I was just free-writing about all I've learned and when I was done, realized that my lessons are so good and may be really empowering to you, so I am going to share my biggest 2020 lessons in future posts. I hope they encourage and inspire you.

And I'd love to hear your biggest lessons from this year-comment below and tell me what you've learned, how you've grown, and what you're ready for next

*Fresh Start is a mini course where I share my exact process for setting goals, creating a vision for the year, letting go of what no longer serves me, and manifesting the results I desire. If you read until the end, I have a bonus for you! use code FRESH50 to get this program for 50% off

**If you have previously purchased my program "Manifest your year," you have Fresh start-it just got a little facelift and update! And you now have a new goal-setting module and worksheet! go log in and check it out! Hope you enjoy it!