What's the difference between trust and a victim mentality


Take a sec on this beautiful Monday morning and check in with your biggest fan (YOU.) are you acting like and living as though life is happening for you? Or to you?

What’s the difference?

Trust vs. a victims mentality. When we really believe life is unfolding FOR us, we live and take action from a place of trust. Trust that things we don’t understand are happening for our highest good.

But when we believe life is happening TO us, we live reactive, defensive, and like a victim. Instead of radiating that beautiful energy of trust and confidence, we whine, complain, say “why me?” Or “this isn’t fair!” You have the choice.

Today, if you trusted that life was happening FOR you, how would you think, feel, and act? What actions would you prioritize in your business? And how would you nurture your two most valuable resources, time and money?

Comment below with your action steps and share with anyone who may appreciate this perspective shift.